The ÖGDTT was founded in 2019 by Birgit Fritz and Susanna Stich-Bender as a non-profit association with the aim of publicising and developing drama and theatre therapy working methods in Austria. It also aims to stimulate dialogical processes with other artistic therapies and to link scientific approaches with practice.
A further intention of the ÖGDTT is to develop ethical guidelines and standards for the work in Austria and to offer training and continuing education programmes.
The working group "Dramatherapy in Austria" will support this, providing a platform for exchange of experience and information.
In August 2022 we had our first international Symposium funded by the Austrian-American Partnership Fund in Goldegg, Salzburg.
Susanna Stich-Bender, theater therapist (DGFT), theater teacher, ecotherapist, actress, coach.
at various clinics and institutions in Bavaria and works in her department with health authorities and therapeutic networks (therapy network eating disorders in Munich/Ingolstadt) for addiction prevention and aftercare. Since 2005 she has led theater therapy groups at the Danuvius Clinic in Pfaffenhofen/ Ingolstadt. She is also involved in ecotherapeutic projects in the landscapes and mountains of Germany and Austria in cooperation with Danu e.V. She gives advanced training courses on theatre/ecotherapy and is a specialist in the field of eating disorders for the Swiss drama therapy training course.
Birgit Fritz, theater therapist and pedagogue, Feldenkrais practitioner.
The roots of her theater work and themes of her research lie in the emancipatory folk theater of Latin America. She is a lecturer for transformative theater work at the Würzburg University of Applied Sciences (social work), leads autopietic annual theater groups, seminars and workshops on a wide range of topics at home and abroad. From 2018-2021 she led the open drama therapy group of Gruppe 94, a center for people diagnosed with cancer and their families in Vienna. Publications: „The Courage to Become", "InExActArt - a handbook for the autopoietic theater work of Augusto Boal“ and the translations into German of "Forum Theater and Democracy in India" and "Hamlet and the Baker's Son" - the autobiography of Augusto Boal".
Osterreichische Gesellschaft Fur Drama- U. Theatertherapie
Address Franz Schalk Straße 4/4, 5020 Salzburg, Österreich
Mail address