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The professional context of arts therapies in Belgium

Over the last few years there has been growing interest in the arts therapies in Belgium and the number of arts therapists has been rising rapidly.


Dramatherapy in Belgium is seen as 1 of the four artforms within the Artstherapies.  Over the last few years there has been growing interest in dramatherapy  in Belgium and the number of employed dramatherapists has been rising. Our profession comprises dramatherapists who have been trained nationally and internationally.


Our profession comprises arts therapists who have been trained nationally and internationally. The professional practice of arts therapies covers the specialized disciplines of visual art therapy, dance-movement therapy, dramatherapy and music therapy. These arts therapies are used in a methodical way in the treatment of clients with psychosocial, psychological and/or psychiatric problems. The arts therapies are experiential and action-based. The client experiences the specific art form, he or she observes the art form or (when possible) reflects upon the experiences in and stimulated by the art form. The art therapist works methodically towards mutual agreed treatment goals. The result of the therapy can be working through, getting insight, gaining cognitive, social or physical functioning or psychological wellbeing. (BVCT-ABAT, 2010).

This expansion of the arts therapies has resulted in the establishment of the Belgian Association of the Arts Therapies, de Belgische Vereniging voor Creatieve Therapie – Association Belge d’Arts Thérapies ( The Belgian Association of the Arts Therapies supports the development of professional arts therapy practitioners and maintains standards in practice. BVCT-ABAT also addresses the professional concerns of its members. For more information, please contact

There has been a bigger emphasis in expanding our Dramatherapy community over the last years. Therefore we organise workshops, general assemblies, information evenings.

This expansion of the arts therapies has resulted in the establishment of the Belgian Association of the Arts Therapies, de Belgische Vereniging voor Creatieve Therapie – Association Belge d’Arts Thérapies ( The Belgian Association of the Arts Therapies supports the development of professional arts therapy practitioners and maintains standards in practice. BVCT-ABAT also addresses the professional concerns of its members. For more information, please contact


Training institutions & courses

In Belgium, there are three university colleges which award degrees in the arts therapies:

Artevelde University College, Ghent awards an officially ( recognized Advanced Bachelor Degree in the Arts Therapies (incorporating art therapy, dance movement therapy, dramatherapy or music therapy). The programme at

Artevelde University College is a part-time program consisting of 6 modules.  

PXL University College in Hasselt awards an officially recognised Advanced Bachelor Degree in Art Therapy. The program at PXL University College is a three-year part-time programme.

Lemmens Institute in Leuven awards an officially recognised Masters Degree in Music Therapy. 

Additionally, Agape in Koolskamp offers a four-year dance-movement therapy training

which leads to a certificate. This programme has been approved by BVCT-ABAT.

Gent: Artevelde University College

Hasselt: PXL University College



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