In Greece Dramatherapy is defined as the Psychotherapeutic method which is based on the dynamics and the metaphor of the Art and specific on the theatre practice.
It is a method that involves both body and mind, aiming at the communication, the personal development and change and the conflict resolution.
Dramatherapy education started in Greece in 1986 with Sue Jennings.
In 1989 the First Dramatherapy Association “Theatre and Therapy” was founded, which transformed in 2004 in the Hellenic Association of Dramatherapists and Playtherapists HADP ( First President was Stelios Krasanakis. The Association has organized four International Congresses (2007, 2010, 2013, 2016).
In 1998 a new Professional Union of Dramatherapy and Playtherapy PΕΕDP ( was founded and up today there are two Associations in Greece. This Association has organized one European Conference of Drama therapy (2013).
From 2013 Stelios Krasanakis represents both Associations as a founder member in the European Federation of Drama therapy (EFD).
Educational Institutes
In 1994 Stelios Krasanakis founded the AEON Institute of Dramatherapy (, which continues to offer treatment, research and educational training in dramatherapy up until today, practicing his “model of 3 triangles”. The Dramatherapy Institute has organized two international Symposiums of Dramatherapy (2014, 2017) and is collaborating with international dramatherapists, Robert Landy, Sue Jennings, Brenda Meldrum, Anna Seymour, Mooli Lahad, Susana Pednzik, Salvo Pitruzzella, Dennis Macarthy and others.
“Athyrma” was founded in 1998 ( and offers Play and Dramatherapy training using the non-directive client centered Play Therapy – Dramatherapy and the Systemic – Family approach. ATHYRMA offers training seminars for professionals on the Developmental and Educational Play, and theatrical workshops for children, adolescents and adults.
“Herma” was founded in 2015 ( and offers Play and Dramatherapy training.
Many books in the field of Dramatherapy have been published in Greek, such as books of Sue Jennings, Alida Gersie, Robert Landy, Phil Jones, Dorothy Lungley and others.
In Greece there are about 140 Dramatherapists (75 members in EDPE, 50 members in PPADP and some free) and they are working in private and public clinical practice.
Psychiatrist, psychotherapist, dramatherapist and theatre director.
Founder of the “Institute of Dramatherapy AEON”, in 1991, offering treatment, research and educational training in drama therapy up today, practicing his “model of 3 triangles”.
He teaches Drama therapy approach in the University of Athens and he
lectures in the University of Peloponnisos and Harokopio University.
Ex Scientific director of the drug abuse treatment centre “THESEAS” (1992-2016).
Editor of publishing series “Role in life-Role in theatre”.
Director of 23 theatrical performances in many theatres and festivals.
Member of directors’s board of “Greek Psychiatric Association”, president of the branch “Art and psychiatry”, member of the “Greek director’s association” and “ITACA association” for drug addiction.
Founding member and ex president of the “Greek Association of Dramatherapists and Playtherapists” (EDPE).
Founding member of the European Federation of Drama therapy and member of the board of directors.
International member of the British Association of Dramatherapists (Badth).
Founder and artistic director of Naxos Festival.
Many articles are published in books, in scientific journals and in psychiatric reviews in which he is member of the Editorial Advisory Board.
He has organized five International Dramatherapy Conferences in Greece.
TREASURER Stelios Krasanakis (Greece)