The British Association of Dramatherapists (BADth) is the professional body for Dramatherapists in the United Kingdom.
It was established in 1977, is formally constituted with Officers and an Executive Committee and has its own Code of Practice. BADth has the legal status of a non-profit-making company, limited by guarantee.
Through the work of its executive officers, sub-committees and individual members, it represents Dramatherapists' interests in numerous ways: for example, with employing authorities, government departments, professional bodies and the media.
About BADth
The British Association of Dramatherapists (BADth) is the professional organisation for Dramatherapists in the United Kingdom.
The main objects of the Association are:
to promote the advancement of the profession;
to be the representational body for dramatherapists working in the UK;
to promote, maintain, improve and advance the education of the public about the benefits, theory and practice of Dramatherapy;
to be an advocate for the establishment and maintenance of fair pay and conditions of service for Dramatherapists;
to forge links with Dramatherapists and Dramatherapy organisations in other countries.
formulates criteria for training courses and standards of professional practice;
maintains a register of supervisors;
organises conferences and training days;
publishes journals, newsletters and information leaflets;
disseminates examples of good practice;
answers questions from the general public, official bodies and the press;
archives a growing body of research;
provides information about CPD;
has a number of subcommittees that promote Dramatherapy in various areas of practice;
liaises with other Allied Health Professional Bodies and Psychological Therapies Assocations;
is a stakeholder in major health and education reforms and consultations .
There are currently four post-graduate training courses in Dramatherapy in the UK that lead to a qualification approved by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), accredited by the British Association of Dramatherapists (BADth), and recognised by the Department of Health.
Only successful completion of courses which have HCPC approval and BADth accreditation can lead to full membership of the British Association of Dramatherapists. To become a full BADth member, proof of registration with the HCPC is needed. Student membership is available whilst training.
The courses are based in Derby, London, Roehampton and Cambridge. All enquiries about training should be made to the training institutions.
The registration training is set at MA level.
Recognised Dramatherapy Training Courses in the UK
For further information please contact:
Anglia Ruskin University:
Course leader : Ditty Dokter ditty.dokter@anglia.ac.uk
University of Derby:
Programme Leader: Drew Bird - D.P.Bird@derby.ac.uk
University of Roehampton:
Course Convenor: Henri Seebohm h.seebohm@roehampton.ac.uk
Royal Central School of Speech and Drama:
Programme Leader: Richard Hougham richard.hougham@cssd.ac.uk
The categories of Membership are as follows:
Full Membership
To become a Full Member the applicant must be registered as a Dramatherapist with The Health and Care Professions Council.
Non-practising Membership
To become a non-practising member, the applicant must have successfully completed a Dramatherapy training which would permit them to apply to the HCPC for registration as as Dramatherapist.
Retired Membership
Any Full Member who has maintained their membership of The Association for at least five consecutive years prior to full retirement from Dramatherapy practice.
International Membership
Any person who has qualified as a Dramatherapist and is living outside the UK is eligible to apply to the committee to become an International Member of the Association.
Associate Membership
Any person interested in furthering the objectives of the Association is eligible to apply to become an Associate Member.
Student Membership
Any person undertaking recognised Post Graduate full-time or part-time Dramatherapy training may apply to become a Student Member.
To apply for membership of BADth - please contact us to obtain an application form at info@badth.org.uk
Benefits of Membership
BADth publishes a Journal three times a year and The Prompt Newsletter six times a year;
access to the members' area of the Website;
free online access to Dramatherapy Journal articles on the Routledge website via the members' area;
reduced fees at BADth training days, conferences, regional and national research day;
regular information and guidelines for specific areas of practice;
work related updates and guidance from the Subcommittees;
access to professional guidelines and ethics;
information about job vacancies;
inclusion in the ‘Find a Therapist’ list (Full and International members only);
reduced cost insurance with Towergate;
opportunities to join Subcommittees and special interest groups;
mentorship scheme for Newly Qualified Full members
The British Association of Dramatherapists
P.O.Box 1257, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 9YX
+44 (0)1242 235 515